(click image to enlarge) Digital illustration / artwork of Australian birds, Rainbow Lorikeet Parrots by contemporary artist Diavma (Di Mathews) of Hexagonal Mandala. This art image is created by painting directly onto the computer using a pressure sensitive pen and an electronic drawing tablet. The image is then printed on 11.5 x 16.5 inch high quality artist paper. These prints are the artists signed and numbered originals created within the artist's studio.
This is a wildlife illustration of Rainbow Lorries.
Where I live at dusk they flock to the large trees in the car parks of the local supermarkets. Hundreds of these birds squawking and making a raucous .
If you wish to purchase this artwork, email me. The image is part of a larger series of Australian birds.
Pacific Black Duck Painting
(Click image to enlarge)
Digital illustration / artwork of Australian birds, Pacific Black Ducks by contemporary artist Diavma (Di Mathews). This art image is created by painting directly onto the computer using a pressure sensitive pen and an electronic drawing tablet. The image is then printed on 11.5 x 16.5 inch high quality artist paper. These prints are the artists signed and numbered originals created within the artist's studio.
This is a wildlife illustration of Pacific Black Ducks. These birds are commonly found at a pond at the local aged nursing home near where I live in NSW Australia.
If you wish to purchase this artwork, email me. The image is part of a larger series of Australian birds.
This image shows my ducks at different stages of completion (click on image to enlarge).
Australian Spoonbill Bird Illustration
Digital illustration / artwork of Australian birds, Royal Spoonbills by
contemporary artist Diavma (Di Mathews) of Hexagonal Mandala. This art
image is created by painting directly onto the computer using a pressure
sensitive pen and an electronic drawing tablet. The image is then
printed on 11.5 x 16.5 inch
high quality artist paper. These prints are the artists signed and
numbered originals created within the artist's studio.
This is a wildlife illustration of royal spoonbills (Platalea regia) also known as the black-billed spoonbill.
These birds hang out on a little island in the center of a pond at the local aged nursing home in NSW Australia. During the breeding season, it has a distinctive crest, which can be up to 20 cm long in male birds (usually shorter in females)... pretty awesome hair style.
If you wish to purchase this artwork, email me. The image is part of a larger series of Australian birds.
This is a wildlife illustration of royal spoonbills (Platalea regia) also known as the black-billed spoonbill.
These birds hang out on a little island in the center of a pond at the local aged nursing home in NSW Australia. During the breeding season, it has a distinctive crest, which can be up to 20 cm long in male birds (usually shorter in females)... pretty awesome hair style.
If you wish to purchase this artwork, email me. The image is part of a larger series of Australian birds.
Australian Pelican Painting
Digital illustration / artwork of an Australian bird, a Pelican by
contemporary artist Diavma (Di Mathews) of Hexagonal Mandala. This art
image is created by painting directly onto the computer using a pressure
sensitive pen and an electronic drawing tablet. The image is then
printed on 11.5 x 16.5 inch
high quality artist paper. These prints are the artists signed and
numbered originals created within the artist's studio. If you wish to
purchase, email me. The image is part of a larger series of Australian
This is a portrait of an Australian pelican
(Scientific Name: Pelecanus conspicillatus) which is one of the eight
species of pelican in the world. These birds are huge with a wing span
of two meters and weighing up to eight kilograms. The male and female
look similar with the female being slightly smaller. The pouch under
their beak can hold up to fifteen litres of water and is used to scoop
fish from the water, the slightly opened bill is then tilted to drain
the water away, trapping the fish. The beginning of breeding season will
see the front area of this pouch go bright red.
Artwork - Pelican Preening
Digital illustration / artwork of an Australian bird, a Pelican by contemporary artist Diavma (Di Mathews) of Hexagonal Mandala. This art image is created by painting directly onto the computer using a pressure sensitive pen and an electronic drawing tablet. The image is then printed on 11.5 x 16.5 inch
high quality artist paper. These prints are the artists signed and numbered originals created within the artist's studio. If you wish to purchase, email me. The image is part of a larger series of Australian birds.
Aussie digital Floral Bouquet
Newcastle beach (NSW Australia)
Click image to enlarge:
Scenes of Newcastle beach (NSW Australia) as storms approach, by Australian contemporary artist Di Mathews ( aka Diavma ). These artwork was hand drawn/painted directly onto a computer using an electronic pen and digital drawing board.
This image is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Scenes of Newcastle beach (NSW Australia) as storms approach, by Australian contemporary artist Di Mathews ( aka Diavma ). These artwork was hand drawn/painted directly onto a computer using an electronic pen and digital drawing board.
This image is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
rainbow lorikeets
A portrait of 3 rainbow lorikeets by Australian
contemporary artist Di Mathews ( aka Diavma ). This artwork was hand
drawn/painted directly onto a computer using an electronic pen and
digital drawing board. It shows them sitting in a eucalyptus (gum tree) branch .
Where Di lives in NSW these flocks of these birds are very common.
It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Click on the image to enlarge.
It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Click on the image to enlarge.
All ye that wriggle and squirm...
A religious portrait by Australian
contemporary artist Di Mathews ( aka Diavma ). This artwork was hand
drawn/painted directly onto a computer using an electronic pen and
digital drawing board. It explores the complex relationships with love, nature and God.
It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Click on the image to enlarge.
It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Click on the image to enlarge.
Crimson Rosella
My portrait of 2 Crimson Rosella by Australian
contemporary artist Di Mathews ( aka Diavma ). This artwork was hand
drawn/painted directly onto a computer using an electronic pen and
digital drawing board.
It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Click on the image to enlarge.
It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Click on the image to enlarge.
Willy Wag Tail
A portrait of 2 willy wag tails by Australian
contemporary artist Di Mathews ( aka Diavma ). This artwork was hand
drawn/painted directly onto a computer using an electronic pen and
digital drawing board.
It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Click on the image to enlarge.
It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Click on the image to enlarge.
Splendid Fairy Wren
A portrait of 3 Splendid Fairy Wrens by Australian contemporary artist Di Mathews ( aka Diavma ). This artwork was hand drawn/painted directly onto a computer using an electronic pen and digital drawing board. It shows them sitting in a bottlebrush tree. Wrens are one of my favourite bitrds, they are only tiny and you often hear their peet-peeet call before you spot them visually.
It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Click on the image to enlarge.
Western Rosellas in bottlebrush tree
A portrait of 2 Western Rosellas by Australian
contemporary artist Di Mathews ( aka Diavma ). This artwork was hand
drawn/painted directly onto a computer using an electronic pen and
digital drawing board. It shows them sitting in a bottlebrush tree, their bright colours are quite at home.
It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Click on the image to enlarge.
It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Click on the image to enlarge.
virtual 3D models - gum blossoms artwork
Click image to enlarge.
Original 3D gum tree models by Di Mathews.
These gum blossoms don't physically exist. The image is created from a model sculpted in 3D virtual space. Points and changes of plane surfaces are plotted on x,y,z axis within the computer to construct the 3 dimensional representation (seen on the right). These virtual planes are then mapped and textured within the computer to create a 3D model similar to what you see in computer games and animations. Different surface qualities such as reflectiveness and transparency are assigned to the planes of the model and light sources are directed at the item or still-life in a similar way to lighting used in traditional photography. A clever type of software called a rendering package is used to mathematically calculate the shadows, highlights and reflections of the proposed image and the results are as you see in the example on the left....
Original 3D gum tree models by Di Mathews.
These gum blossoms don't physically exist. The image is created from a model sculpted in 3D virtual space. Points and changes of plane surfaces are plotted on x,y,z axis within the computer to construct the 3 dimensional representation (seen on the right). These virtual planes are then mapped and textured within the computer to create a 3D model similar to what you see in computer games and animations. Different surface qualities such as reflectiveness and transparency are assigned to the planes of the model and light sources are directed at the item or still-life in a similar way to lighting used in traditional photography. A clever type of software called a rendering package is used to mathematically calculate the shadows, highlights and reflections of the proposed image and the results are as you see in the example on the left....
3D digital bugs
Click on image to enlarge
3D virtual models by Di Mathews
These are some of my bug models and textures. They are created in 3D virtual space. The line drawing on the left shows the sculpted model and the colourful variations on the right show morphed variations with different textures applied. Each of the examples are based on insects from my local area. They are technically "Bugs" rather than beetles because they have a proboscis rather than movable jaw.
3D virtual models by Di Mathews
These are some of my bug models and textures. They are created in 3D virtual space. The line drawing on the left shows the sculpted model and the colourful variations on the right show morphed variations with different textures applied. Each of the examples are based on insects from my local area. They are technically "Bugs" rather than beetles because they have a proboscis rather than movable jaw.
Art - Easter Crucifix 2012
Click image to enlarge
A new artwork, titled "Easter Cross" by Australian contemporary artist Di Mathews ( aka Diavma ). It is available for sale as an print on11x16inch high quality artist paper. Email diavma@gmail.com for more details.
It is said that the timeless nature of our spirit, the eternity of life, nature, and love, can be symbolised with a knot, which cannot see a beginning or an end. Always having enjoyed the intricacy of Celtic knots I thought this was the perfect way to represent the Easter Cross.
Once the initial design of the knot was mapped out the weaving of the imaginary threads, under and over one another, took on an almost meditative quality. By simultaneously participating in a few relaxed hours of silent prayer as I ran my electronic pen around the design shading the progression of threads, I wove my silent prayers into the artwork.
There is a modern symbolic interpretation of the cross which I like. The vertical section represent the transcendent, spiritual realm (the Father) and a horizontal section represents the immanent, physical earthly existence (the Son). Intersecting slightly above center at the point of the heart, creating wholeness (Holy Spirit) as God was made man.
The initial sketch of the design was created with a harsh red line, which cut into the surface of the image as if wounds in living flesh. As the colour was applied over the sketch I allowed some of the initial red to remain as a reminder of the cruelty and suffering that we are capable of inflicting. The colour for the Season of Lent is purple. The colour of bruising and violence, purple can symbolise pain, suffering, mourning and penitence, anticipating the suffering of the crucifixion. Purple, however, is also the colour of royalty and dignity, and so anticipates the coming resurrection, celebrating Christ's sovereignty.
Rather than placing the crown of thorns around or over the cross I decided to actually weave it through so that it becomes inseparable. The soldiers used a crown as a symbol of royalty and turned it into something painful and degrading by using thorns. This strengthened an already existing symbol of our sin dating back to Adam and Eve “…cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you…” Intended to be a mockery, they gave the Lord the uniform of a sinner and the crown of thorn became a new symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice and accomplishment, having been delivered from the curse of sin.
Lilies are symbolic of joy, hope, beauty and life. Easter lilies are referred to as the “white-robed apostles of hope,” and indicate purity and innocence. According to myth, they were found growing in the Garden of Gethsemane, having sprung up where drops of His sweat fell to the ground and in every place that He had walked, prayed, sat, or wept the night before His crucifixion. I used three lilies at the base of the cross signifying the Trinity, and the virtues of faith in the Father, hope in the Son, and charity of the Holy Spirit.
The Easter Cross is the ultimate symbol of God's power and our salvation, indicative of the triumph of good over evil and life over death, through Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. Like the knot, it symbolises eternal existence and love, without a beginning or an end.
Happy Easter.
A new artwork, titled "Easter Cross" by Australian contemporary artist Di Mathews ( aka Diavma ). It is available for sale as an print on11x16inch high quality artist paper. Email diavma@gmail.com for more details.
It is said that the timeless nature of our spirit, the eternity of life, nature, and love, can be symbolised with a knot, which cannot see a beginning or an end. Always having enjoyed the intricacy of Celtic knots I thought this was the perfect way to represent the Easter Cross.
Once the initial design of the knot was mapped out the weaving of the imaginary threads, under and over one another, took on an almost meditative quality. By simultaneously participating in a few relaxed hours of silent prayer as I ran my electronic pen around the design shading the progression of threads, I wove my silent prayers into the artwork.
There is a modern symbolic interpretation of the cross which I like. The vertical section represent the transcendent, spiritual realm (the Father) and a horizontal section represents the immanent, physical earthly existence (the Son). Intersecting slightly above center at the point of the heart, creating wholeness (Holy Spirit) as God was made man.
The initial sketch of the design was created with a harsh red line, which cut into the surface of the image as if wounds in living flesh. As the colour was applied over the sketch I allowed some of the initial red to remain as a reminder of the cruelty and suffering that we are capable of inflicting. The colour for the Season of Lent is purple. The colour of bruising and violence, purple can symbolise pain, suffering, mourning and penitence, anticipating the suffering of the crucifixion. Purple, however, is also the colour of royalty and dignity, and so anticipates the coming resurrection, celebrating Christ's sovereignty.
Rather than placing the crown of thorns around or over the cross I decided to actually weave it through so that it becomes inseparable. The soldiers used a crown as a symbol of royalty and turned it into something painful and degrading by using thorns. This strengthened an already existing symbol of our sin dating back to Adam and Eve “…cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you…” Intended to be a mockery, they gave the Lord the uniform of a sinner and the crown of thorn became a new symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice and accomplishment, having been delivered from the curse of sin.
Lilies are symbolic of joy, hope, beauty and life. Easter lilies are referred to as the “white-robed apostles of hope,” and indicate purity and innocence. According to myth, they were found growing in the Garden of Gethsemane, having sprung up where drops of His sweat fell to the ground and in every place that He had walked, prayed, sat, or wept the night before His crucifixion. I used three lilies at the base of the cross signifying the Trinity, and the virtues of faith in the Father, hope in the Son, and charity of the Holy Spirit.
The Easter Cross is the ultimate symbol of God's power and our salvation, indicative of the triumph of good over evil and life over death, through Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. Like the knot, it symbolises eternal existence and love, without a beginning or an end.
Happy Easter.
I havent uploaded many new artworks this year. The year has been busy with other things... Im currently designing chainmaille jewellery tutorials which is a lot of fun.. You can find me at Diavma Chainmaille on Facebook
Bird Art - Quarrions in Hibiscus
Click image to enlarge:
A portrait of a 3 pet quarrions (cockatiels), titled "Quarrions in Hibiscus" by Australian contemporary artist Di Mathews ( aka Diavma ). This artwork was hand drawn/painted directly onto a computer using an electronic pen and digital drawing board. The painting shows Ollie, Jerry and Kramer who are 3 gorgeous examples of male quarrions, an Australian species of small parrots. They make wonderful, intelligent and affectionate pets. Not to mention beautiful art subjects.
This image is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
A portrait of a 3 pet quarrions (cockatiels), titled "Quarrions in Hibiscus" by Australian contemporary artist Di Mathews ( aka Diavma ). This artwork was hand drawn/painted directly onto a computer using an electronic pen and digital drawing board. The painting shows Ollie, Jerry and Kramer who are 3 gorgeous examples of male quarrions, an Australian species of small parrots. They make wonderful, intelligent and affectionate pets. Not to mention beautiful art subjects.
This image is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Dolphin Sea scape art - In the shallows
Click image to enlarge
A sea scape, titled "in the shallows" by Australian contemporary artist Di Mathews ( aka Diavma ). This image will be part of a new series of fantasy sea scapes. It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
A sea scape, titled "in the shallows" by Australian contemporary artist Di Mathews ( aka Diavma ). This image will be part of a new series of fantasy sea scapes. It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Green Tree Frog Art - "Intent"
A portrait of a green tree frog, titled "Intent" by Australian contemporary artist Di Mathews ( aka Diavma ). This artwork was hand drawn/painted directly onto a computer using an electronic pen and digital drawing board. It shows one of the big green tree frogs that frequent my yard. You have to love these guys, they are big lazy frogs with attitude. In this image his mischievous grin and intense squint clearly suggest his intent and the immanent fate of the unsuspecting fly.
This image is part of a series of backyard birds, species common to where I live. It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Folk wisdom tells that dreaming of a frog means
good fortune, happiness and great friendships.
May your dreams be filled with frogs...
This image is part of a series of backyard birds, species common to where I live. It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Folk wisdom tells that dreaming of a frog means
good fortune, happiness and great friendships.
May your dreams be filled with frogs...
Green Tree Frog Art - "Peek-a-Boo"
This artwork was hand drawn/painted by Australian contemporary artist Di Mathews, directly onto a computer using an electronic pen and digital drawing board. It's a portrait of one of the little frogs from our yard. In this painting he is seen pushing the plant out of the way and staring back at the viewer. His fat round body an indicator of his health and contentment. This image is part of a series of frogs , common to my back yard. It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Bird Art - Australian Eastern Rosella Parrots
This artwork was hand drawn/painted by Di Mathews directly onto a computer using an electronic pen and digital drawing board.
It shows 2 eastern rossella on a hollow nesting tree.
This image is part of a series of backyard birds, species common to where I live. It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
It shows 2 eastern rossella on a hollow nesting tree.
This image is part of a series of backyard birds, species common to where I live. It is available for sale as an 11x16inch print on high quality artist paper.
Bird Art - Rainbow Bee Eater 2

This artwork is a portrait illustration of Rainbow Bee Eaters, a native australian species of bird. The image is by contemporary Australian artist Di Mathews aka Diavma, copyright Hexagonal Mandala 2010.
I saw this bird in our yard for the first time recently. It was swooping over the vine on our shed and fence trying to catch the insects. This is my newest image and it is available on 12x16 inch, 100% cotton archival paper. eMail me for details
Stylised Bird Print

Created in a style inspired by my formal training in printmaking this bird and insect illustration echoes the bold strength of a woodcut or linoblock print, digitally painted it also incorporates the fluid paint-like surfaces created with a pressure sensitive pen.
A colourful Aussie artwork by contemporary Australian Artist Di Mathews, copyright Hexagonal Mandala 2010.
guinea pig artwork
Chainmaille Pendants

Click on image to enlarge
A sneak-peak at some of my original design chainmaille pendants.
For more info on my jewellery see: My Jewellery Blog
Australian Bird art - Rainbow Bee Eater

This artwork is a portrait illustration of Rainbow Bee Eaters, a native australian species of bird. The image is by contemporary Australian artist Di Mathews aka Diavma, copyright Hexagonal Mandala 2010.
I saw this bird in our yard for the first time recently. It was swooping over the vine on our shed and fence trying to catch the insects. The bees in the foreground are a native Australian Blue Banded Bee, another visitor to our garden.
This is my newest image and it is available on 12x16 inch, 100% cotton archival paper.
Australian Bird art - Flame Robins

This artwork is a portrait of Flame Robins, a native australian species of bird. The imge is by Di Mathews aka Diavma, copyright Hexagonal Mandala 2010.
This little robin is found on the south eastern corner of Australia (From south queensland , down NSW, around victoria almost to South Australia. as well as Tasmania. It was created through the sugestion of Julie, from Tasmania. Julie has a collection of my bird portraits and wanted to see a flame robin added to the collection. I have only ever seen the bird near my home once. It was a rare sight.
Frangipani Dragonfly Artwork

The Plumeria is a West Indian plant, also known as a Frangipani, which is named after the inventor Marquis Frangipani. As a child My bedroom window overlooked two frangipani trees (a white and pink variety). Then when I married and moved into my new home I took a cutting from each tree and planted them in our garden. They now tower over our front rooms offering shade relief in the hot Australian summer mornings. During the day they are often filled with sparrows flitting around after insects, and at night they often host big green tree frogs. I've noticed it is the time of year to spot dragonfly again. The image shows a mature dragonfly at rest, with its wings typically dropped down flat. They have 4 wings that more as independent pairs. Walking though the grasses at the edge of the quiet sports field in the evening sees dragonflies take flight for safer branches. Their huge eyes seeing up to 5 or 6 meters away. Their bodies are strong and streamlined for flight.
Majestic presence
Weighted wings in breezeless calm
metallic flight machine
Rise and hover still,
suspended hangs above me
eyes unblinking stare
Grumpy green tree frog

A green tree frog illustration titled: "When I say Get!" is an artwork by Australian Contemporary Artist Di Mathews aka Diavma. Copyright Hexagonal Mandala.
This is one of the big Green Tree Frogs that frequent my back yard. My favourite species of local frog. Quite friendly they usually doesn’t mind human company, always appearing very brave & dignified. This species amusingly will sit quietly and pose for you to photograph or draw until they tire of the attention, then they will simply turn their back on you as if to inform you that you're dismissed. This particular day the frog decided it had tolerated me long enough and told me in no uncertain terms. After me ignoring his dismissals and continually photographing him he finally stood up tall and then leaped into my long hair, entangling himself and repetitively weeing all over me. My teenage son had to come and untangle him. Looking at the photos and his body language that I captured I should have seen it coming as he gave me warning, I was just so wrapped in what I was doing I did not pay attention to what he was telling me.
They have a bold personality which this image captures well.
In the mythology of many cultures frogs are linked to cleansing, healing and creative powers. The change from egg to tadpole then metamorphosis to frog is often used to symbolise the awakening of ones creativity and recognising one's own power of adaptation. A frog is a symbolic reminder of our own ability to grow and mature when faced with difficult situations. A strong frog population is an indication of a healthy ecology due to their sensitivity to changes and toxins in their environment. Frogs therefore are naturally symbols of a peaceful, harmonious coexistence and interdependence with nature. Frogs because of this sensitivity serve as a strong lesson about our own interdependence within a fragile eco-system. Teaching a connection with the earth and everything on it. Sadly numbers of frogs now seem to be dwindling.
Folk wisdom tells that dreaming of a frog means
good fortune, happiness and great friendships.
May your dreams be filled with frogs...
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